Public writings
“Rendre publics les cahiers de doléances de 2019, comme ceux de 1789: une urgence démocratique,” (with Guillaume Mazeau, Loïc Blondiaux and Manon Pengam), Le Monde, December 9, 2024
“Real shareholder democracy is the answer to ESG,” (with Oliver Hart and Luigi Zingales), Bloomberg, December 6, 2024
“Fostering More Inclusive Democracy with AI” International Monetary Fund, December 2023.
“We need to democratize AI” with John Tasioulas, Institute of Art and Ideas, November 27, 2023
“Why picking citizens at random could be the best way to govern the A.I. revolution” with Andrew Sorota and Audrey Tang, Fortune Magazine, June 20, 2023
“No decarbonization without democratization” Project Syndicate, special issue on “New Rules,” June 2022.
“Donnons aux citoyens une véritable place dans notre système politique.” (“Let’s give citizens a real place in our political system.”) with Jean-Michel Fourniau et al.), Le Monde, April 20, 2022.
“What Biden’s Democracy Summit is Missing” Foreign Policy, December 7, 2021.
"Démocratiser" in I. Ferreras, J. Battilana, and D. Méda, Le Manifeste Travail. Démocratiser. Démarchandiser. Dépolluer, Paris: Le Seuil, October 2020.
“Pas vraiment une démocratie, de moins en moins une république.” Note on the American elections for the think tank Terra Nova, November 3, 2020.
“Pour une Convention Citoyenne du Futur” (“For a Citizen Convention of the Future”) with Dominique Bourg, Eric Buge, Marie-Anne Cohendet, Marine Fleury, and Michel Prieur, Le Monde, June 2020.
“Humans are not resources. Coronavirus shows why we must democratise work” with Julie Battilana, Julia Cagé, Isabelle Ferreras, Lisa Herzog, Dominique Méda, and Pavlina Tcherneva, The Guardian, May 15, 2020.
This text, originally published in French in Le Monde, was translated and published in 43 newspapers (including die Zeit, The Wire India, and Boston Review) in 27 languages in 36 countries and has been signed by over 6000 people the world over since publication (3000 academics at time of publication). The original version in French can be found here.
More information about the Democratizing Work initiative here.
“Que représente la Convention Citoyenne sur le climat?” (“What does the Citizen Convention on Climate Change Represent?”) Le Monde, February 10, 2020 (solicited oped)
“Pour une approche expérimentale dans l’innovation démocratique” (“In defense of an experimental approach in democratic innovations”) with Angèle Delevoye, Libération October 3 2019
“Can Macron quiet the ‘yellow vests’ protests with his ‘Great Debate’?” Monkey Cage, The Washington Post, April 24, 2019
“Quand les gouvernements feront-ils le pari de l’intelligence collective” (“When will governments bet on collective intelligence?”), Op-ed with Stephen Boucher, L’Echo, November 10, 2017
“Is Democracy in Crisis and What Should We Do About It?, Boston Review, September 2015
“We, All of the People.”, Slate, July 31, 2014
Originally an invited blog post for the LSE blog Democratic Audit UK
“Is representative democracy really democratic?”, interview of Bernard Manin and Nadia Urbinati, La vie des Idées, April 2007
On’s “most read list” since publication in 2008
Republished in a Portuguese translation by G. Hessmann Dalaqua in Dois Pontos 13(2) (special issue on political representation)
Republished in a Spanish translation by Miguel Angel Domenech (available here)
Republished in a Chinese translation in Ou Shujun (ed), Beyond Electocracy: Rethinking Democracy, Peking University Press, 2016.